Clinical Research Study for People with Retinitis Pigmentosa

1. Are you 18+ years old?
2. Have you been diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa by a healthcare professional (physician, nurse practitioner, etc.)?
3. Do you have reduced peripheral vision?
4. Are you pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant (or father a child) in the next 6 months?
5. Do you have any history of severe dry eye, cornea herpetic disease, LASIK procedure, or inflammatory or infectious events involving the eyes?
6. Do you have any serious medical conditions or disabilities that would prevent you from attending in-person, study visits?
7. Have you taken methotrexate in the last three months?
8. Are you currently participating in another clinical trial?
9. If you qualify, would you be able to attend 10 visits in the next 4 months?
10. How far are you willing to travel to a trial site for study visits?
*Personal information required:

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    Unfortunately, you do not qualify for this clinical trial and are not able to take part at this time.

    There are study-specific requirements for every clinical trial to ensure the safety of the participants that are involved. The reason most patients do not qualify for this clinical trial is because they have a medical condition or are taking medications that may interfere with the study drug and could negatively impact their health.

    Just because you do not qualify for this retinitis pigmentosa study, does not mean you won’t qualify for another retinitis pigmentosa study. All clinical trials being conducted in the United States are listed on

    The information you have provided will not be shared. Thank you for your time and for expressing your interest in this clinical trial.

    Congratulations, you may be a suitable candidate for this study. 

    You will be contacted by a Responsum Representative within the next 3 days. They will introduce you to the trial doctor nearest you (or of your choosing). 

    The trial doctor will . . . 

    • Provide you with additional information about the study 
    • Answer any questions you may have
    • Schedule your first visit and determine if you qualify 

    Before participants join this clinical trial, they will be given all the information about the study. This includes an information sheet and an informed consent form. No study-related procedures will be performed unless participants give written consent, including signature and date. 

    Joining a clinical trial is completely voluntary. Participants can change their minds and decide they no longer want to participate at any time and for any reason. 

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