Our blog

Meet the Responsum Team: A Conversation with Founder and CEO Andy Rosenberg
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] As Responsum Health continues to grow our participant communities, develop more platforms and create a larger footprint in the digital health literacy and support space, we wanted to introduce potential partners and allies to the
Get Involved and Show Your Support during Pain Awareness Month 2021
September marks Pain Awareness Month, a 30-day awareness initiative that examines the role of chronic and acute pain in the proliferation of illness and the disruption of quality of life of those who struggle with
Responsum Health Raises First Round of Funding in Republic Investment Campaign
It’s an incredibly exciting time here at Responsum Health! We are pleased and delighted to announce that we have reached a critical milestone in our private investment campaign on the Republic platform. As of yesterday,
Blog, Long COVID |
Get Involved and Show Your Support during National Suicide Prevention Week 2021
This week marks National Suicide Prevention Week 2021, an event coordinated by the American Federation for Suicide Prevention that highlights the tragic prevalence of suicide and what can be done to prevent it among our
September Is Sexual Health Month: Learn How You Can Get Educated and Empowered
Today marks the start of Sexual Health Month, an event organized by the American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) to promote optimal sexual and reproduction health through advocacy, educational resources, access to effective healthcare and destigmatization of