Welcome to Responsum for CKD
Ready or not, here we come! On behalf of everyone at Responsum Health, I am proud to announce the official launch of Responsum for CKD—a one-stop-shop for personalized patient information and resources for the kidney
Great News for the Chronic Kidney Disease Community
I have great news to share with Responsum Health’s extended family of supporters and everyone around the world whose lives are affected by kidney disease. Responsum Health, with support from Otsuka Pharmaceutical, is launching a
A Miracle for Responsum Health Columnist Stephen Berger
Of all the incredible things we’ve experienced at Responsum Health, none can rival the selfless contributions we receive from amazing individuals within the Responsum for PF community. Stephen Berger, however, is in a league of
Special Alert: Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Issues Update on COVID-19
People with pulmonary fibrosis (PF) are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. To help prevent infection, the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation (PFF) has released specific guidelines based on up-to-date information from the Centers
Responsum Health at StartUp Health Festival 2020
At StartUp Health Festival 2020, I got to speak about my incredible experience working with the pulmonary fibrosis community—including how this work has impacted the future of Responsum Health. Watch the video below to hear
Reflections on PFF Summit 2019
Earlier this month, our Alliance Ambassador Claudia Alarco Alarco and I ran an exhibit booth at PFF Summit 2019, the fifth biennial event held by the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation, in San Antonio, Texas. Over 300 patients
Great News for Pulmonary Fibrosis Patients
Today is the day we begin to change the way patients use the Internet forever. Today is the day when everyday patients begin to gain the ability to use the world wide web to inform