How to Recruit Patients for Clinical Trials
The COVID-19 pandemic and its ongoing aftermath has served to highlight the critical importance of clinical trials, as well as the challenges of conducting them.
Thanksgiving Is Family Health History Day
Did you know that Thanksgiving is also National Family Health History Day? In the U.S., this day when many people gather with family members to catch up, share stories, and generate gratitude is also an
November Is National Family Caregivers Month
November is the official month for raising awareness about diabetes, Alzheimer’s, lung cancer, COPD, and antibiotics resistance. Equally as important, it’s also National Family Caregivers Month, a time to acknowledge and applaud the millions of
Helping Patients Become Better Health Partners: Responsum Stays True to Its Roots Despite Explosive Growth
When Responsum Health founder Andy Rosenberg appeared on the Health Literacy Out Loud podcast with host Helen Osborne, Responsum’s first app—for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis—was still months away from its official launch. Andy’s impetus for creating
October Is World Menopause Month
October 1 marks the beginning of World Menopause Month. Started in 2014 by the International Menopause Society, its main goal is to bring awareness to the challenges of perimenopause symptoms, and the health impacts that
The Challenges and Rewards of Community-Building: an Interview with Responsum Health’s Community Relations Director
Responsum Health is gaining notoriety for its user-friendly patient-engagement interface and the strength of its patient communities, attracting attention from some of the biggest names in the pharmaceutical, research, and digital health tech industries. How
Aldeyra Therapeutics Engages Responsum Health for Patient Recruitment Support in Two Clinical Trials
Responsum Health has launched an exciting initiative to raise clinical trial awareness and support patient recruitment for patients with chronic cough and retinitis pigmentosa. For its part, Responsum is providing clinical trial information and will
Milken Institute Lists Responsum for CKD Among Top Education and Health Communication Platforms to Improve Health Literacy for CKD
The Milken Institute has listed Responsum Health’s Responsum for CKD app among the top education and health communication platforms to improve health literacy for CKD. The Institute, an independent, nonprofit think tank, harnesses the knowledge,
National Immunization Awareness Month 2022
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), an annual observance for the purpose of educating patients, advocates, and healthcare providers about the benefits of immunization at all ages. Immunization saves lives Vaccinations are highly effective