Our blog

Perimenopause Awareness Month: Breaking the Silence on Midlife Women’s Health
Learn why the declaration of Perimenopause Awareness Month is so important, and why everyone, not just women, should learn about this all-encompassing life phase.
This August, Focus on Children’s Eye Health and Safety
Learn about the critical needs and dangers that spurred the declaration of August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month.
How the Kidney Search Foundation Helps Patients Find Living Kidney Donors
Kidneys from healthy living donors offer the best potential transplant outcomes, but starting and promoting a search for a living donor can feel daunting. Non-profit organization the Kidney Search Foundation aims to simplify that process
Juneteenth and the Shadows of History: Reflecting on Equality, Equity, and Health
While celebrating the liberation of the last enslaved African people in the U.S., it’s important to acknowledge and address the incompleteness of African American freedom.
Celebrating LGBTQ+ Contributions in Public Health and Healthcare
Learn about LGBTQ+ Pride in the U.S., its impact on health, and the leaders and innovators who are pushing health equity forward.