Brent Miller, MD
Dr. Miller is currently the Clinical Chief of Nephrology at Indiana University in Indianapolis, Indiana. His longstanding clinical interests are in-home dialysis therapies, including peritoneal dialysis and home hemodialysis; kidney transplantation, particularly the management of chronic kidney disease after kidney transplantation; and the impact of kidney disease on physical activity, muscle structure, and function, as well as strategies to improve physical functioning in patients with various forms of kidney problems.
Dr. Miller has a long term interest in various forms of education targeting multiple audiences, such as patients and families, allied health professionals, nurses, medical students, medical residents, nephrology fellows, and practicing nephrologists. In particular, Dr. Miller has been deeply involved as a faculty member at the Home Dialysis University, Advanced Renal Education Program, and a longtime author of UpToDate in Medicine.
Prior to assuming his role at Indiana University in 2018, Dr. Miller was a Professor of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, where he built a home dialysis program over 20 years, participated in numerous clinical trials, and authored many publications in nephrology. He also has worked with various innovative companies throughout his two decades in nephrology, including Fresenius Kidney Care, NxStage Medical, National Renal Alliance, Renal Advantage, and DaVita Kidney Care in various capacities.